supergroomers pets academy

Supergroomers Pets Academy is an Established Pet Grooming School in Singapore. We conduct Courses for all Classes and levels of Pet Grooming Skills and even Pet grooming for beginners. If you are looking to acquire a Great skill or to start a Rewarding Career in this fast-growing industry, look no further as you have found the right place, this is where to learn dog grooming in Singapore. With more than 18 years of grooming experience as a Chief Groomer and Instructor with a Leading Grooming Centre in Singapore, Our Instructor Michelle Foo has had humble beginnings and has personally groomed more than 30,000 Dogs, served as Chief Instructor to all the staff that had been employed at the Centre and for many years of her career she has taught Pet grooming for beginners with no prior experience and groomed them to be successful Professional Pet Groomers. As such, she has greatly developed a Culminating edge in Pet Grooming Technicality and Superiority. Armed with a solid and diverse educational foundation and a great passion for student development, she has an abundance of knowledge and skills to impart, be it to an apprentice, novice, intermediate, expert or even beginners who have no knowledge of Pet grooming, as long as they have a dedication and yearning to learn , unlearn and relearn. If you have the passion and dedication, this is where to learn dog grooming in Singapore. Explore our website to learn more on our Pet Grooming Courses

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Our Quality & Assurance
SKC Appointed School

We are an appointed pet grooming academy with Singapore Kennel Club Singapore

Our Quality & Assurance
Affiliated School

We are proud to affiliate with one of Taiwan’s Top Grooming Academies. Our common goal is to actualize higher pet care and grooming standards worldwide and we are in alliance on a programme to enhance pet grooming versatility, show grooming experience and greater skillsets for our students. For more information please contact us.

What Our Clients Say

AK Ice

Alvin & Michelle guided us through the session with knowledge & tips that we feel llike Super PAWrents now
Thanks Supergroomers Pets Academy!!
— with PK Aloysius at Supergroomers Pets Academy Pte Ltd – Pet Grooming School

Jacky Ong

I’ve done things like bathing, a full day out with my dada.
Feel free take a look at it’s course, if interested.

Ong Qin Hui

Thanks to Supergroomers Pets Academy, for having me today and all from Skills future More fun with my pet dog then!

Serena Leong

Get to learn how to groom my dog – from the proper combing, to dematting and the tools to use. Also learn the proper showering techniques.

Nicole Chew

I had fun while learning how to groom my dog

Aaron Lim

We were able to learn the basic full pet grooming on a double coated sheep dog.
we are pet owners ourselves and have been DIY grooming on our local SS breed.
This course has taught us the right way to groom our dog and prolong a healthy lifestyle of our dog.

Dingz Bellerie

was with my pet at supergroomers, the instructor teach us so much we learn so much now i can better understand my pet thank you supergroomer pet

Clarence Teo

Learn so much about how to handle difference type of pets and the skill and technic of pet grooming thanks Alvin and team member for the support and guide during the course.

Nick Chew

A very fruitful program for pet groomer as a entry level.

Foo Vian Chan

A very reaponsible instructor who will try to impart all his knowledge to help you and your pet. After the class, i amable to cut nails, shave hygiene areas, remove hair from ear, clean ear, shave paw pads and also bathe and blow dry my dogs properly now. Great class!!!!

Learn professional pet grooming today!

If you are looking to acquire a Great skill or to start a Rewarding Career in this fast growing industry, look no further as you have found the right place, this is where to learn dog grooming in Singapore.

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